Tuesday, December 22, 2009

52 Days to Go

When we first step outside each morning we are now greeted by a draft of chilling air. As we walk, frost crunches beneath our boots or we may even slip across ice. We are wearing scarves, mittens, and toques.
Usually this change in our atmosphere is the symbol of hope for many of us: the winter holidays are almost here! Something to look forward to after slaving away at work since the summer.
This year however, the extra special wintery feeling that is hanging in the air is not just due to the holiday season, but more so to the event we are so anticipating: The 2010 Winter Olympic/Paralympic Games!

We have 52 days to go now, and it seems as though BC may be more ready than ever. Our mountains are looking good with fresh snow, and all of the tickets to see the games (approximately 1.6 million) are sold out.

This should be a great experience for all of us, and it is sure to create many good memories.
To my delight, I have been accepted as a junior reporter for these games, and so I will be able to keep blogging and possibly interview some people participating in them!

Have a great winter break, everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, 1.6 million tickets!! That's a lot events, and a lot of people, can't wait for all those people to be seeing our Vancouver.


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